As I love the comic-book Invincible of Robert Kirkman and Cory Walker (I recommend a lot), I wanted to play with the main character in the game Marvel Universe Miniature Game, even more he already appeared with Spider-Man in the comic Marvel Team-Up #14.
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martes, 29 de noviembre de 2016
MUMG: Home-Brew Characters: Invincible [ENG]
As I love the comic-book Invincible of Robert Kirkman and Cory Walker (I recommend a lot), I wanted to play with the main character in the game Marvel Universe Miniature Game, even more he already appeared with Spider-Man in the comic Marvel Team-Up #14.
MUMG: Personajes No Oficiales: Invencible [ESP]
Como me encanta el cómic Invencible de Robert Kirkman y Cory Walker (el cual recomiendo muchísimo), me apetecía ver al protagonista en el juego Marvel Universe Miniature Game, mas aún cuando ya ha aparecido con Spider-Man en el comic Marvel Team-Up #14.
lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2016
I Batmatch La Biblioteca de Alfred [ENG]
Today we bring you a small sample of everything that happened in the I Batmatch La Biblioteca de Alfred.
We hope you like it and can see you in the next one.
Remember that you can see this and much more in our Youtube channel.
I Batmatch La Biblioteca de Alfred [ESP]
Hoy os traemos una pequeña muestra de todo lo que paso en el I Batmatch de la Biblioteca de Alfred.
Esperamos que os guste y poder veros en el próximo.
Recordad que podéis ver esto y mucho más en nuestro canal de Youtube.
viernes, 25 de noviembre de 2016
Painting step by step: Guardians of the Galaxy Third Part
We started with the white primer and we will paint from the inside out, so we'll start with the shirt.
Dawnstone as base colour. Lights with Administratum Grey. And wash with Shadow Grey.
Leather and Belt
We'll paint in the same way boots, belts, left arm plates and straps hanging. In this case will paint only the belt to avoid staining elsewhere.
The painting is the same as in Gamora.
(At first I thought to paint the pants brown too, so it appears stained pants, but I dismissed it quickly to see some more images online).
To pants we start with Necron Abyss, albeit a very dark tone if you dilute a little water we will plug the entire surface.
On this color base we apply lights adding lights with higher proportions of Daemonette Hide followed by Dawnstone (You could omit the Daemonette Hide, but I think that it gives more life to the pants that with gray only).
Finally we give a soft wash of Abaddon Black to cover the little nooks pants and unify slightly different shades of this.
Belt buckle
We paint it following the same pattern as Rocket weapons. Boltgun> Chainmail> Mithril and a washing of Abaddon to put out a little tone. (If you do not have these colors can be replaced by Leadbelcher> Ironbreaker> Runefang Steel. As paintings I prefer the originals, but when it end up have to go replacing them by news).
We turn now to paint small parts of skin of the figure (in case of mounting head without helmet also would paint his face, making the last light on eyebrows, cheeks, nose, chin ... in short in those areas where the light would impact most on the face).
Don't Forget the helmeted head has a small part of the neck to be painted!!! (Almost happened to me and I was not about to paint ... I corrected this for having to do the photos haha).
Base color Bugman's Glow.
First lights with Dwarf Flesh. Second lights with Cadian Fleshtone. And finally final lights with Flayed One Flesh on fingertips, knuckles and joints of the fingers.
Trench coat
We paint as Gamora, but we'll use of base Scab Red to give it a brownish tone to make more like leather trench coat.
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We will leave this small area to make brown leather. |
At this point we seize the opportunity doing the wash to paint everything that we want to be leather like boots, ribbons and and so on.
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From here you can see that I started painting the base. There wasn't natural light and I prefered continuing with the base. |
(Previously explained)
From this moment the photos may appear that are not very clear steps, and take the opportunity to go about doing some things at time others. Paint the dark metalized and do a wash with black allowed me do the base tone of gloves that will be black. If you have any doubt ask me.
Base layer of Abaddon Black, lights with Dawnstone and Administratum Grey as final highlight.
Previously discussed. The base tone seemed too bright, so I made an extra wash with black at this point. We'll apply a soft wash of Rhinox Hide to give a somewhat rusty metal tone to metals.
To enter a greenish hue to match the rest of the band, we will use Waywatcher Green to give it a green light tone to the weapon.
Also we will paint leather rivets and propellers (do not forget since being under his raincoat and some stained dark brown, ye can pass like me).
Instead of paint it in a tone metallic (if you prefer you can skip this part), I decided to paint imitating a glass sphere with gas moving inside. Again we choose purple tone to introducing the tone in the figure.
For the base color mix Abaddon Black with Xereus using twice this than black. For lights colors to use were Xereus and were illuminated by Dechala Lilac. Instead of enlightening as if it were a jewel, or as the rest of the figure, which we will paint the area with Xereus and we will make stripes largest to finer, with lighter shades on the surface of the sphere.
We use the same tones as for hides, but apply a final light with Bubonic Brown.
We begin by painting the surface of the crystals with Red Gore and we will be illuminating with Mephiston Red, Evil Sunz Scarlet, Wild Rider Red and Fire Dragon Bright (we could even mix with some Flash Gitz).
We will painting least amount of crystal with each illumination trying to mimic the phases of the moon making small moons up to make only a small stripe at the end.
To paint jewelry first we must decide from where we want him impinging light to the jewel, or in this case the glass. I decided that the light will come from somewhere over his head but a little from behind, so that the lights would go by on the opposite side and finally put a small white point from the area where the light was coming.
Martian Bases
The same will for the entire group. Take advantage of untextured bases from other figures of Batman that we have at home. Fill the recesses with any textured paint that we had, should not have textured paint, we'll put some sand but without covering the entire flat surface of the base (we need it to put zones of broken ground). All this before priming.
In the flat areas of the base we'll put Martians Ironearth and let dry. The drying process lasts long enough and, although the first impression when you put the paint is doughy going to be worth the effect .
Once dry the effect of broken ground will do a wash with Agrax Earthshade. Sometimes the effect of broken ground may dry strangely and the base tone of TerraCotta disappears. If this happens the ink Agrax will help us to avoid it. If the effect was greatly exaggerated take the opportunity to put some of electrostatic field. I use Wasteland Tuft of Army Painter because they are clumps of grass with a very cool result.
Finally, if you have got this far ... Congratulations !, That means that by now you should have a Guardians of the Galaxy similar to those that follow, 'or better !!
Thanks for reading this tutorial. I hope you enjoyed and been helpful to paint your Guardians of the Galaxy. For my part the following tutorial should be on how to paint a Flash, I do not know if I can have it ready before I get my hands on a copy of the new Game Box of Batman. So we see in the next step by step. [For technical reasons I could not put all the photos here, so I put the rest in this link]
Pintanto paso a paso a los Guadianes de la Galaxia (Tercera parte)
Empezaremos por pintar la superficie de los cristales con Red Gore e iremos iluminando con, Mephiston Red, Evil Sunz Scarlet, Wild Rider Red y Fire Dragon Bright (incluso podríamos mezclarlo con algo de Flash Gitz).
Iremos pintando menor cantidad de cristal con cada iluminación intentando imitar las fases de la luna haciendo pequeñas lunas hasta llegar a hacer sólo una pequeña raya al final.
Para pintar joyas hay que decidir previamente desde dónde queremos que le incida la luz a la joya, o en este caso el cristal. Yo decidí que la luz le viniera de algún lugar sobre su cabeza pero un poco desde atrás, con lo que las luces las iría haciendo en el lado opuesto y al final pondría un pequeño punto blanco desde la zona de dónde le venía la luz.
Empezaremos con la imprimación blanca e iremos pintando desde dentro hacia afuera, a si que empezaremos con la camiseta.
Dawnstone como color base. Luces con Administratum Grey. Y un lavado con Shadow Grey.
Cinturón y cueros
Pintaremos del mismo modo botas, cinturón, las placas del brazo izquierdo y las correas que lleva colgando. En este caso pintaremos sólo el cinturón para evitarnos manchar otras partes.
El pintado es el mismo que en Gamora.
(En un principio pensé en pintarle los pantalones también marrones, por eso aparece manchado el pantalón, pero lo descarté rápidamente al ver algunas imágenes más por internet).
Para el pantalón empezaremos con Necron Abyss, aunque sea un tono muy oscuro si lo diluimos un poco en agua nos tapará bien toda la superficie.
Sobre este color base aplicaremos luces añadiendo luces con proporciones mayores de Daemonette Hide seguidas por Dawnstone, (Se podría omitir el Daemonette Hide, pero encuentro que le da algo más de vida a los pantalones que sólo con grises).
Finalmente daremos un suave lavado de Abaddon Black para cubrir los pequeños recovecos del pantalón y unificar un poco los distintos tonos de este.
Hebilla del cinturón
La pintaremos siguiendo el mismo esquema que las armas de Rocket. Boltgun>Chainmail>Mithril y un lavado de Abaddon para apagar un poco el tono.(Si no se tienen estos colores se pueden substituir por Leadbelcher>Ironbreaker>Runefang Steel. Como pinturas prefiero las originales, pero cuando se terminan hay que ir substituyendo por las nuevas).
Pasamos ahora a pintar las pequeñas partes de piel de la figura (en caso de montarlo con la cabeza sin casco pintaríamos también la cara, haciendo las últimas luces en cejas, pómulos, nariz, mentón...en resumen en aquellas zonas dónde la luz incidiría más en la cara).
¡¡¡No Olvidarse que la cabeza con casco tiene una pequeña parte del cuello que hay que pintar!!! (A mi casi me pasó y estuve apunto de no pintarla...corregí esto por tener que hacer las fotos jaja).
Color base Bugman's Glow.
Primeras luces con Dwarf Flesh. Segundas luces con Cadian Fleshtone. Y por último luces finales con Flayed One Flesh en puntas de dedos, nudillos y en las articulaciones de los dedos.
Lo pintaremos como Gamora, pero usaremos de base Scab Red para darle un tono más marrón, para hacer la gabardina más parecida a cuero.
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Dejaremos esta pequeña zona para hacerla de cuero marrón. |
En este punto aprovecharemos al hacer el lavado para pintar todo aquello que queramos que vaya de cuero, como botas cintas y demás.
(previamente explicado)
A partir de este momento las fotos puede que parezca que no están muy claros los pasos, y es que aproveche para ir haciendo algunas cosas al mismo tiempo que hacía otras. Pintar el metalizado oscuro y dar un lavado con negro me permitía hacer también el tono de base de los guantes que sería negro. Si tenéis alguna duda comentadmelo.
Capa base Abaddon Black, iluminado con Dawnstone y Administratum Grey como luces finales.
Comentado previamete. El tono base me pareció demasiado claro, por esto hice un lavado extra con negro en este punto. Aplicaremos un lavado con Rhinox Hide suave para darle un tono algo más oxidado a los metales.
Para introducir un tono verdoso, a juego con el resto de la banda, usaremos Waywatcher Green para darle un ligero tono verdoso al arma.
Pintaremos también los remaches del cuero y los propulsores (no los olvidéis ya que al estar bajo la gabardina y algo manchados de marrón oscuro, se os pueden pasar como a mí).
En vez de pintarla de tono metálico (si preferís así saltaros esta parte), decidí pintarla imitando una esfera de cristal con gas en movimiento en su interior. De nuevo escogeremos el púrpura para introducir el tono en la figura.
Para el color base mezclamos Abaddon Black con Xereus usando el doble de este que de negro. Para las luces los colores a usar fueron Xereus y lo iluminamos con Dechala Lilac. En lugar de iluminarlo como si fuera una joya, o como el resto de la figura, lo que haremos será pintar la esfera con Xereus e iremos haciendo rayas, de más grande a más fina, con tonos más claros por la superficie de la esfera.
Usaremos los mismos tonos que para los cueros, pero aplicaremos una última luz con Bubonic Brown.
Empezaremos por pintar la superficie de los cristales con Red Gore e iremos iluminando con, Mephiston Red, Evil Sunz Scarlet, Wild Rider Red y Fire Dragon Bright (incluso podríamos mezclarlo con algo de Flash Gitz).
Iremos pintando menor cantidad de cristal con cada iluminación intentando imitar las fases de la luna haciendo pequeñas lunas hasta llegar a hacer sólo una pequeña raya al final.
Para pintar joyas hay que decidir previamente desde dónde queremos que le incida la luz a la joya, o en este caso el cristal. Yo decidí que la luz le viniera de algún lugar sobre su cabeza pero un poco desde atrás, con lo que las luces las iría haciendo en el lado opuesto y al final pondría un pequeño punto blanco desde la zona de dónde le venía la luz.
Peanas Marcianas
Las haremos para todo el grupo igual. Aprovecharemos peanas sin textura de otras figuras de Batman que tengamos por casa. Rellenamos los recovecos con cualquier pintura texturizada que tengamos, en caso de no tener pintura texturizada pondremos algo de arena pero sin tapar toda la superficie plana de la peana (la necesitaremos para poner las zonas de tierra quebrada). Todo esto antes de la imprimación.
En las zonas planas de la peana pondremos Martian Ironearth y dejaremos secar. El proceso de secado dura bastante y aunque la primera impresión al poner la pintura es que va a quedar pastoso el efecto merece la pena.
Una vez seco el efecto de tierra quebrada haremos un lavado con Agrax Earthshade. En algunas ocasiones el efecto de tierra quebrada puede que se seque de forma extraña y se nos lleve el tono base de Terracotta. Si esto pasa la tinta Agrax nos ayudará a evitarlo. En caso de que el efecto fuera muy exagerado aprovecharemos ese sitio para colocar algo de césped electrostático a nuestro gusto. Yo uso Wasteland Tuft de Army Painter porque son matojos de césped con un resultado muy chulo.
En fin, si habéis conseguido llegar hasta aquí...¡Felicidades!, Eso significa que a estas alturas ya deberíais tener unos Guardianes de la Galaxia parecidos a los que siguen, ¡¡o mejores!!
Gracias por leer este tutorial. Espero que os haya gustado y sido de utilidad para pintar vuestros Guardianes de la Galaxia. Por mi parte, el siguiente tutorial debería ser como pintar a Flash, aunque no sé si podré tenerlo listo antes de que llegue a mis manos una copia de la nueva caja de juego de Batman. Nos vemos en el siguiente paso a paso. [por motivos técnicos no he podido poner todas las fotos, a sí que aquí os pongo el resto]
White Dwarf en español
Hola a todos.
Hoy nos vamos a salir de nuestro contenido habitual, pero esta noticia lo requiere.
Y es que aún expectantes por la nueva caja de Blood Bowl, Games Workshop nos vuelve a sorprender una vez mas con una gran noticia para su publico español, ¡a partir de enero vuelven a editar White Dwarf en castellano!
Parece ser que poco a poco vuelven a hacer las cosas bien, y esperamos que sigan en esta linea.
¿Vosotros que opinais?
jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2016
Sorteo 1er aniversario
Muy buenas a tod@s,
Como anunciábamos hace unas semanas, debido al 1er aniversario del blog tenemos un Hulk para sortear entre todos aquellos seguidores que hayan comentado.
Es cierto que han habido muchos comentarios con propuestas más que interesantes y que de seguro iremos aplicando durante los siguientes meses, aunque el listado final de participantes es tan solo de 15 personas (recordad, había que comentar y ser seguidor del blog). Así pues, aquí os dejo el listado con las iniciales de cada uno de los participantes:
A continuación os dejo el resultado del sorteo, llevado a cabo a través de la página El número de la primera columna es el que se ha utilizado para obtener al ganador, y aunque hayamos sacado 3, el segundo y tercero están en caso de que el primero no dé señales de vida.
Así pues, sin más dilación... el ganador del sorteo del 1er Aniversario de la Bilbioteca de Alfred es...
Pablo Carmona Gras. Enhorabuena! Ponte en contacto con nosotros para ver cómo mandarte a Hulk a tu casa. En caso de que el susodicho no dé señales de vida, José Antuño Ortuño Ruiz podrá reclamar el premio, y si éste tampoco aparece, el lanzamiento de Hulk llegará a javi nuñez. Si aún así nadie reclama a este entreñable grandullón... ya pensaremos qué hacemos con él, pero no podemos dejarle sin hogar!
miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2016
Unboxing y review Hawkman - Batman Miniature Game
Os presentamos el unboxing y review de Hawkman, con mucho retraso tras el aluvión de noticias de los últimos meses.
Que decir de este personaje, vuela, tiene mucha pegada con su maza Handy, Magic y STR +3 y por si fuera poco, Savage Fighter, que le permite ganar un +1 al impactar si hace Push y Power Strike por si a caso.
Pero lo más destacado es su habilidad de volar unido a Flying High, que aunque ha sufrido modificaciones tras la última FAQ de noviembre, con Unnatural Flight, sigue siendo uno de los más rápidos en llegar a los objetivos. De hecho, ha tenido que ser modificado precisamente por ello, incluso la propia Batseñal ha sufrido cambios, dando ahora 3 puntos de victoria en lugar de 4, por el combo que suponían los Hawk consiguiendo llegar a este objetivo desde el segundo turno y controlándolo con solvencia.
Pero pese a todo, sigue siendo una opción fantástica y seguirán viéndose en torneos, por su enorme rentabilidad calidad/precio.
Sin más os dejamos su análisis
Como siempre os recordamos que en nuestro canal podéis ver la mayor colección de vídeos sobre Batman Miniature Game y Marvel Universe Miniature Game de Youtube.
Esperamos que os resulte interesante.
Un saludo
martes, 22 de noviembre de 2016
DCUMG and changes in MUMG
Hi to everyone.
Now that finally the rulebook of DC Universe Miniature Game and the Marvel Universe Miniature Game FAQs have finally seen the light, and it can be appreciated as both games at level of rules are the same (categorized under the section of Super Hero Universe Miniature game in The web of Knight Models). As for rules there have been some fairly obvious changes, such as the throws, and some not so much. Through this entry we hope to be able to show you the changes that have been between the previous version and this, as well as the clarifications of the FAQs; We hope not forget any.
Now that finally the rulebook of DC Universe Miniature Game and the Marvel Universe Miniature Game FAQs have finally seen the light, and it can be appreciated as both games at level of rules are the same (categorized under the section of Super Hero Universe Miniature game in The web of Knight Models). As for rules there have been some fairly obvious changes, such as the throws, and some not so much. Through this entry we hope to be able to show you the changes that have been between the previous version and this, as well as the clarifications of the FAQs; We hope not forget any.
DCUMG y cambios en MUMG
Ahora que por fin el reglamento de DC Universe Miniature Game y las FAQs de Marvel Universe Miniature Game han visto por fin la luz, y puede apreciarse como ambos juegos a nivel de reglas son iguales (categorizado bajo la sección de Super Hero Universe Miniature game en la web de Knight Models). En cuanto a reglas han habido algunos cambios bastante obvios, como las de lanzamiento, y otros no tanto. Mediante esta entrada esperamos poder enseñaros los cambios que han habido entre la versión anterior y esta, así como las aclaraciones de las FAQs; esperamos no dejarnos ninguno.
lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2016
BMG: Analysis Bird
After a long wait, there is finally among us one of the most popular characters in Batman Miniature Game, a right hand for Bane: Bird, who as you might expect is the Elite Boss that this band needed (Elite Boss: Solider of Fortune), In addition to being accompanied by 1 more of them that is joined to the existing T.N.T..To bear the rank of Sidekick could be said that its cost in reputation is rather low (60 / $ 100), but on the other hand is a small expense In dollars for a band that in itself usually squeezes them to the maximum, although it can be ignored if it decides to put the leadership of the band leaving aside to the Bane himself.
Starting with his Mobile aspect, Bird is at the same level as the other band mercenaries with a Movement value of 3. Since not being a Henchmen does not have access to a Grapple-Gun, Angel has his own extra mechanism of mobility, but without easy access to the roofs may seem a circumstantial: a Climbing Rope, which comes to be the same as a Batcape. In the case of Bird, the use that can take of this is the one of protection against pushes if he has managed to reach high positions, or if the terrain through which he advances has slopes that force to him to fall so that to advance.
In the Offensive aspect, although it is true that his Attack value of 3 seems to be low, it offers mechanisms to maximize the success of his rolls. The first of them is the +1 to hit with his Combat Machete (Weapon Master: Combat Machete), and the second his Sharp that along with his Strenght 4+ augurs that more than half of hits could hurt, besides causing loss of counters in the rival for each of them (


But the true offensive power of Bird comes when combined with other members of the band, either taking advantage of situations of outnumbered (and can win a +2 when hit by the combination of this with his Weapon Master), easily achievable using Military Tradition (2SC) to approach to the combat the nearby Veterans (20 cm or less, and they are not to be visible), either because he has joined one, being able to carry it out even just immediately after an allied Henchmen do it thanks to being able to use Let's Go (One of the boys).
In Defensive, in spite of maintaining the Defense value of 3 of his fellow mercenaries in addition to the characteristic Bulletproof Vest in all of them (except Venom Soldier) to offer some resistance to the Firearms, Bird has traits that improve him in this aspect. One of his great strengths is the immunity to the effects of mental control that gives his Self-Discipline, reason why can be a great candidate to throw it facing to personages like Poison Ivy or Mad Hater, although without support of companions not be afradi. Although it has already been mentioned above, in case of reaching an elevated area, the Climbing Rope (1SC) gives him a passive protection against bouncing due to pushing as long as he has SC to be able to use it outside of his activation.
As a last defense mechanism for him and his teammates could be said to be his Smoke Grenade, whose negative point is that he only has 1 of them (Ammo 1 and ROF 1) and it is necessary to hit 3+ in a visible point at 20 cm or less (Short Range), covering a radius of action of 5 cm around the point of impact (Explosive). In the case of impact, the affected area will be covered in smoke (Smoke) until the end of the round, being impossible to dodge it by Dodge and having an infinite height, in addition blocks Lines of Sight (nor with Total Vision). Within this zone the affected will suffer the effect Blind, that is to say, will impact and block to 6+, can not draw Lines of Sight nor shoot, and will not be able to run nor use MC. Thus, their possible uses would be:
- Offer protection to teammates in the melee and who, if possible, have already hit, so that the opponent has to hit you, regardless of bonus, at 6+. In this case it is impossible not to think about Killer Croc (the 95-point), since activating your Superior Sense of Smell could act inside the smoke as without affecting it.
- Avoid manipulating objetives like Batsignal, although if you decide to leave Bird in the rear for this, you would be wasting your Military Tradition.
- Cut lines of sight to enemy shooters or characters with long range traits like Discourage. Between this, the Military Tradition and some Follow me! and/or Inspire can be made to advance much to the thickness of the band without being conditioned by the rival shooters. Of course, Bird should activate before them and get their grenade to be effective.
- If you have a rival that enters the radius of action of the explosion (20 cm range plus 5 radius of action) you can slow his advance during that round so that he cannot increase his base movement with MC (when he goes out the smoke the moment to use MC to increase the movement will already have passed).
- Ultimately, it can be one of the most effective tools to deal with the always annoying whistles (or characters like Killer Frost capable of producing the same Stop effect), disrupting the line of sight and stopping the effect produced.
In Support/Control tasks, Bird is someone that all Veterans would like to have close to, mainly thanks to his Military Tradition, which by 2 SC allows all those 20 cm or less of he(and do not have to be visible) to advance Immediately up to 5 cm without this affecting its ROF, which could serve to relocate a shooter without being penalized for it. It could be said that it is as if using 1 MC came out the perfect roll, and if it is also powered by Inspire and/or Follow me!, next to the mercenaries Movement 3, the band becomes even faster. A timely use of this would be, combined with the strategy Sewers Maps (1/E) to have one more member in the sewer, take out Bird after a mercenary so that he is able to move it just to be able reach an objetive, either because it is 3-5 cm from the mercenary with which neither a die in motion, was invested or to reach beyond the 12 cm that could get to move out of a sewer , Or ventilation duct (2MC, because 1MC is already required to exit). Another of its uses, once again, is to fight the whistles, to give a small push to the mercenaries who were affected by them.
As far as his own benefit suppose his traits, Veteran gives him some margin of error in planning, either because of a failure in it, because the rival has been conditioned to not do something that he had in mind (as can be attack him) or, perhaps the most usual, because the opponent has attacked him and it was not necessary to use DC. To this must be added the option that adds T.N.T. of replacing counters at a distance in companions, even more if equipped with Night Vision. His synergy with the rest of mercenaries would not be complete unless he is more than a leader for them, he is considered one more (One of the boys), which allows him to be able to use Let's Go as if of a Henchmen it was (but not to try to activate a Henchmen after him or to be able to repeat to be less than 20 cm of a Sidekick), which taking into account his low value of Attack can benefit to him when it comes to focusing on a rival next to "his Boys "without it being able to react.
As far as his own benefit suppose his traits, Veteran gives him some margin of error in planning, either because of a failure in it, because the rival has been conditioned to not do something that he had in mind (as can be attack him) or, perhaps the most usual, because the opponent has attacked him and it was not necessary to use DC. To this must be added the option that adds T.N.T. of replacing counters at a distance in companions, even more if equipped with Night Vision. His synergy with the rest of mercenaries would not be complete unless he is more than a leader for them, he is considered one more (One of the boys), which allows him to be able to use Let's Go as if of a Henchmen it was (but not to try to activate a Henchmen after him or to be able to repeat to be less than 20 cm of a Sidekick), which taking into account his low value of Attack can benefit to him when it comes to focusing on a rival next to "his Boys "without it being able to react.
Finally and taking into account that talking about Bird in the singular would not be correct since you have to think in more general terms like at band level, it is impossible not to consider some synergies that the existence of a Sidekick so cheap and with a profile as his:
- The most obvious is to include how many more Veteran better. This can also be further enhanced by someone with Follow me! like Capitán Boomerang.
- If you look one by one at the members of this band, it can be seen that only Smash and Mohawk have a margin of error when it comes to impact thanks to the Handy of their weapons, and also with an Attack value (3) not very difficult to block. This is why characters with Confusion as Riddler or White Rabbit can contribute a lot to the band. In the case of Riddler it should be added that his Disarray can be key to leave a rival with the fewest possible counters of Defense; even some character with the trait Taunt could achieve the same effect, but to this day there is no one with this ability. For her part, White Rabbit would involve the inclusion of an Acrobat in a band whose leaders lack that mobility, being also cadidata perfect to try to attract the rival shots.
In short, Bird does not stand out precisely because of its offensive potential, but because it is a huge support for the Henchmen of this band, or rather, the Veteran characters that are in it. Although it is true that his Attack value of 3 may seem low, he has to make use of its Henchmen if it wants to guarantee successes, although it is not necessary to undervalue the double damage of its weapon (
) repeating in addition to hurt (Sharp) to 4+ (his Strenght). Thus, one of the ways to facilitate the work in combat is to use his Military Tradition (2SC) to bring a Veteran partner to combat in which he is and achieve a situation of Outnumbered, which added to his Weapon Master: Combat Machete would end up giving a "+2" to hit (+1 only if the rival is Martial Artist), the other is to join himself by doing Let's Go, thanks to being One of the Boys, to a combat in the that a comrade has just acted, so it is more than likely that the rival just have few DC.


In defensive, although its value of Defense 3 is rather that of a Henchmen, he has a Bulletproof Vest to oppose some resistance before the Firearm, next to an Endurance value of 7, reason why could withstand a burst of shots of gun (obviating the circumstancial critical). But more important is his immunity to the effects of hypnosis thanks to self-control (Self-Discipline). To this must be added the always useful protection given by having a Batcape, Climbing Rope (1SC) in his case, if it is the case of reaching a raised area and is pushed to the void. As a support tool in defensive tasks, either for himself or for his companions, has a unique Smoke Grenade, useful for example to protect combat partners who have already activated, deny manipulation, cut line of sight to annoying shooters or characters with long-range traits, limiting the movement of nearby opponents or offering protection against whistles.
Finally, and as it could not be less, Bird himself is also a Veteran character, so you can afford to plan something more defensive at times, or have room for maneuver if something has not come out as expected and needs counters in some other attribute.
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