Some minutes ago that Knight Models has published an update of the FAQs and Batmatch rules for Batman Miniature Game, which among other things includes review profiles, which is always good to maintain the maximum of profiles competitives.
Starting with the profile review, we have:
- Batman (Frank Miller): Obtains Obstinate and Veteran traits. Of the first trait nothing is known yet, but the second is something that has been demanding for a long time. What better Batman than this, happening half a century old, to give him this trait.
- Copperhead: Her Strength becomes 4+. Since a long time ago that the role of Copperhead ended up being covered by other characters that also contributed something more. In addition, with the departure of the new Catwoman, Copperhead was completely out of the game. With this small improvement happens to provide a highly mobile profile along with being good in melee, and for only 62 reputation points.
- Echo: Obtains Lethal Blow. Another of the great changes in what to profiles is concerned. To Brutal trait that was given a few months ago, now we must add this special attack able to disable the counters in the opponent, which indirectly improves other characters like O'Connell, making SWAT the best ally of his teammates in melee tasks.
- Hawkman y Hawkgirl: It has been clarified that the round in which they return to the game board after having used Flying High, in addition to happening to have a basic capacity of movement null, also cannot make use of trait Fly.
- Joker: Arkham City version (an the alternative of Red Hood) passes from 90 to 105 reputation points, and Heath Ledger from 80 to 90. Thus, with these retouching we have:
- Titan: 130
- Jared Leto: 120
- Arkham City: 105
- Killing Joke: 100
- Heath Ledger: 90
- Frank Miller: 70
- Joker Killing Joke: Intimidate trait happens to be called Intimidation, in this way does not conflict with the trait of the same name but different effect that Jared Leto has.
- Little Spark: His Endurance drops from 6 to 5. It is undeniable that he is one of the most used profiles of the game, and for some reason it is. Through this small downgrade is expected to stop having the "must have" label on any list of villains.
- Lotus: His Willpower is increased from 5 to 6. If he was the most complete of all the ninjas, now he is even more complete, also if the equipment list is taken into account.
- Quelle Josett: She has the following trait: Treacherous: This model can not be the Boss. On some cards may not be this trait.
- Ringmaster: His reputation goes from 32 to 28. Despite being Umpredictable, he is light years from his brother Master of Ceremonies, at least as far as destructive power is concerned. We will see if lowering points makes him at least serve to square up lists.
- Mercenarios: That it was hard (and weird) to see Dallas wreaking havoc in the League of Shadow, was a fact. Instead of downgrading him directly, it has chosen to ban the use of mercenaries in the League unless Bane is a part of it.
- Ying: He gains the trait Hardened. Although it is true that it was weird not to see Ying and Yang together on the same crew, for only 1 more point Yang was quite better than his small brother. With this little change now he offers a good profile in all its facets: moving, attacking, defending.
With regard to clarifications and modifications:
- Traits as Trickster, Veteran, Taunt... that allow to reallocate counters, still don't allow to exceed the maximum allowed by the profile. This is only possible thanks to traits specifying that (as Inspire, Kill Them...).
- It has been clarified that it is only possible to carry out a single "saving roll" by Batarmor. To this day this could only affect Batwoman, who has a base Mk1, also equipped with a Mk2 thanks to the list of Batman equipment.
- When climbing the initial point for measuring can be anyone on the volume. That mean that the normal models will "gain" their 4 cm of height when climbing.
- All the rules that had an effect on the sewers, have also extended to ventilation ducts: hypnosis, to have activation equally, to be able to use counters only to upon leaving, to consider it has been moving to upon leaving.
- It has being remarked that all the MC used when running are used after OR before, they can't be split.
- As it happened in MUMG, it differs from the traits that make the character "Placed" (as Vanish) or "Moved" (as Combat Flip). Basically Place comes to be a teleportation that is not governed by the basic norms of movement, being able to for example traverse solid elements.
- The option of "voluntary leap down" without paying MC and suffering a voluntary fall is not legal. If it is desired to descend from an elevated place, the "Leap Down" action must be paid, which mean paying 1MC normally.
- Corrected some errata that were in the writing of the Batsignal FAQ, adding that yes or yes it should be placed in the area of rival deployment even on elements of scenery, and that can only be chosen by the Batman and Law Forces bands.
- A very important clarification mainly for the bonus of some missions is that ALL the objectives can be controlled, the difference is the way they provide VP. So being in contact with a Riddler counts as being controlling it.
- Another important clarification that we at least ignored. Any objective is controllable, either yours or the rival (including Riddlers and
Clue Markers). This nuance is important especially in missions that give bonuses for being the first to control X objectives. Of course, not all the objectives you control give VP. Clue Markers are not considered Objectives. - Speedsters have received a couple of improvements to see if they are seen as much at the table as expected. Now they look like real speedster, since their melee hits can only be blocked by other speedsters, and they can run by ignoring the straight-line restriction.
- Following with the Speedsters, the empty legal is corrected by which they are allowed to use Speed Powers even when being KO.
- The teams have also received a few clarifications:
- All those traits that have a direct impact on how to configure the band (Arrogant, Affinity ...) are ignored in the teams, so that the Arkham Knight could go next to Cyborg in a team of Teen Titans. The only traits that do remain are those that increase $. The trait "Puzzles Everywhere!!" is also ignored, so Riddler AK would has a "normal" functioning inside the Suicide Squad. Another reading of this is that Strix (whose rank is that of a Henchmen) would benefit from the Inspire of all those companions of his that use Inspire.
- The criterion when choosing the Boss has been rewritten for clarity, having separated points 2 and 3, since before there was no order on whether to put a Leader or Sidekick in command:
- If there is a model with Boss? Always present, he must be the Boss, regardless of rank.
- If there is no model with Boss? Always present, a model with the Leader rank should be the Boss.
- If there is no model with Boss? Always or a model with the Leader range, a model with the Sidekick range should be the Boss.
- If none of the above models is present, a Free Agent must be the Boss.
- To the rule that indicates that the Sidekick doing Boss in a band does not cost $, it indicates that it also affects the Leaders. Without this clarification, poor Gordon cost money to his own Law Forces band. Since this rule affects the creation of the band, it is not applicable in Teams.
- Both Primary Target and Quiz Master, and the Secret Objective strategy share the same wording by which it is not possible to exceed the maximum of 3 objectives per band. With this FAQ it is clarified that the strategy is the exception to this rule and if it allows to plant in table a 4th objective (for something the cost was increased in past).
- It is clarified that Coup de Grâce applies only to rolls to hurt successful. The word "successful" is important since if not by Just a Scratch! It was possible to do instead of
instead of
- Although it is something that everyone apply, it is true that the writing of the Acrobat rule was incomplete. It has been indicated that its Basic Movement Capacity (BMC) is 12, and the Jump Capacity (JC) is equal to the Total Movement allowed. Previously he said that BMC = JC = 12 cm, so the dice added to the movement did not know for sure how they influenced his JC.
- The wording of the Reinforcements strategy changes to make it more playable. At the moment it did not allow to put to the reinforcement by a border that coincides with an area of deployment of the rival, reason why as small as it was, it annulled the whole edge. Now the constraint only applies to the deployment zone itself.
- One always had the doubt as to whether a character with several ranks could choose which one to apply. Finally it is clarified that, whenever the conditions of creation of band are respected, it is possible to choose the rank. Thus, it is possible to join in the same band to Mr. Freeze, Captain Cold and Killer Frost, leaving to one of these last of Sidekick and the other one of Free Agent. The same can be applied with Deathstroke, even in a team.
- Unlike many games, in BMG that a 1 is always a failure is not completely true. A 1 to hit, block and hurt is always a failure and a 6 a success, in the rest of rolls does not have why. So, taken from Ping! to 7+ are annulled, so Master Marksman of Deadshot Arkham Origins has more power than it seemed, and Large characters have to tread carefully with the elements behind which they hide. Although it has also being clarified that a 1 on this roll is also a fail.
- Since the rules of traits predominate over the base rules, and that these are applied by default all at the same time, there were some other combinations like Light and Rapid Fire that came into contradiction. Before these cases, it was indicated in what order the traits are applied, so in this example, Light (point 2) and then Rapid Fire (Point 3) would be applied:
- Apply modifiers that multiply or increase.
- Apply modifiers that divide or reduce.
- Apply modifiers that add (+X).
- Apply modifiers that subtract (-X).
- The Jump Capacity of a character is calculated in base of this Total Movement Capacity (his 8/10/12 cm plus the cm rolled when using MC). If, for example, a character has 10+6=16 cm of movement, his Jump Capacity during his activation will be 8 cm, so he will be able to jump gaps up to 8 cm, and it doesn't matter how many cm he has moved before that. But, the jumped distance is considered impaired movement, so jumping a gap of 8 cm will cost him 16 cm, and if he has not enough cm for arriving to the other side, he will suffer a fall.
- The bonuses that were given to the teams in the rules of Batmatch, now also become part of the regular games:
- The models included in a Teen Titans Team win Teamwork/2 (ALL).
- The "Boss" of the Birds of Prey Team wins +1 Willpower and the Leadership and Reinforced Gloves rules.
- The Team Suicide Squad funds increases by $50 for each incomplete stretch of 100 Reputation Points.
- Team Secret Six's ''Boss'' wins +2 to its Endurance.
- The Bat Cape, a trait whose use was more dissuasive than anything else, since the fallen distance was subtracted from the total movement of the character. With this change, the characters with Bat Cape can be dropped without having to pay the regulatory MC for it, and although this fall consumes its remaining movement, it is still possible to advance once on the ground making use of MC.
- And finally an important fix on the Batclaw, and although it is true that the people used to apply it, it wasn't documented on the rules. Basically it allows to move from a roof with a short wall on the edge, to another position (that tiny wall is and obstacle, so the trait couldn't be used).
Also with this FAQs, some add-on has been included to the Batmatch document:
- It clarifies the rules that are to be followed when it comes to deploying objectives, since some missions indicate where to place them, but there are also objectives with their own rules (such as Batsignal, Loot ...).
- If the scenario details where to put the Objectives, do so, this overrides objective placement special rules. If it state an objective be placed inside the enemy deployment zone, follow its special rules.
- If not (and the scenario indicates to use the usual rules), deploy the Objective according to its own special rules.
- If the Objective has no special rules, deploy it according to the usual objective deployment rule
- Mission 5 - Asphalt Jungle: The placement of objectives changes completely, moving from placing all in the center to: place 1 target in the rival deployment area and the rest in the center, ignoring both their special deployment rules and having to exist a separation between them and any other marker.
- Mission 7 - Race for Glory:The placement area of objectives range from 10x20 to 20x20, and all those objectives whose placement rules allow them to be located outside the rival deployment area, can (if you want) to apply that rule but taking as a reference the area of placement of objectives. In this way, the problem that could be caused by the population of markers in these areas (street lamps, sewers, etc.) is solved.
Greetings and we keep reading in La Biblioteca de Alfred,
Xermi (translated by Josito)
All these objectives placement shenanigan has lost me.
ResponderEliminarPlz, where do i put a batsignal ? In the objective area or always in the enemy deployment area (when there is one) ?
@Bawon Samdi: First of all it must be reminded which is the base rule for deploying objectives, it specifies that the objectives must be placed on the enemies deployment area. Taking this into account, also that there are objectives with special deployment rules (Loot, Batsignal...), and some scenarios have a deployment area (the green ones), the priority criteria is as follows:
ResponderEliminar1. If you are playing missions, as Plunder or Secure the Area, which have a concrete objectives deployment area (the gree ones), the objective must be put there. If any mission has also a rule saying that some objectives have to be deployed on the enemies deploymen area (as Secure the area), the special rules of the objective must be obeyed, for example if you deploy a Loot there you must deploy it up to 20 cm away from their deployment area (because it is the deployment rule for this objective).
2. If the mission doesn't specifies an are to deploy objectives, then you must deploy them using their especial rules: Loots up to 20 cm out of enemies deployment area, Batsignal on their deployment area...
3. This point is the same as 2, but it affect only objectives following the base deployment rules (Ammo Crates, Titan Containers...)
OK, thank you for the explanation.
ResponderEliminarYou are welcome :D!
ResponderEliminarWe like to clarify the rules as best as possible :)