Muy buenas a tod@s, en esta entrada vamos a publicar las listas ganadoras de los regionales 2018 que hemos podido recopilar y os hablaremos un poco sobre el meta actual.
Sin más dilación pasamos a ver las listas ganadoras:
[12] Elite Alliance Ranger
[7] Ko-Tun Feralo
[5] Jarrod Kelvin
[4] Hera Syndulla
[3] Gideon Argus
[3] R2-D2
[2] C-3PO
[2] Alliance Smuggler
[2] Alliance Smuggler
[4] Hera Syndulla
[3] Gideon Argus
[3] R2-D2
[2] C-3PO
[2] Alliance Smuggler
[2] Alliance Smuggler
[2] Alliance Smuggler
[3] On the Lam
[3] Assassinate
[2] Heightened Reflexes
[2] Call the Vanguard
[2] I Make My Own Luck
[1] Tough Luck
[1] Concentrated Fire
[1] Negation
[0] Take Initiative
[0] Positioning Advantage
[0] Planning
[0] Ready Weapons
[0] Stimulants
[0] Element of Surprise
[0] Officer's Training
[12] Luke Skywalker (Jedi)
[10] Han Solo (Fix)
[5] Jyn Odan
[4] Hera Syndulla
[3] Gideon Argus
[2] C-3PO
[2] Alliance Smuggler
[2] Alliance Smuggler
[3] On the Lam
[3] Son of Skywalker
[2] Tools for the Job
[2] Run for Cover
[2] Prepared for Battle
[1] Negation
[1] Change of Plans
[1] Blitz
[0] Take Initiative
[0] Positioning Advantage
[0] Planning
[0] Element of Surprise
[0] Officer's Training
[0] Celebration
[0] Urgency
[12] IG-88 (Fix)
[7] Elite Weequay Pirates
[7] Elite Weequay Pirates
[4] Greedo
[3] Gideon Argus
[2] C-3PO
[2] Jawa Scavenger
[1] Black Market
[1] Conspiracion
[1] Alianza Temporal
[10] Elite Sentry Droids
[7] Elite Weequay Pirates
[6] Elite Clawdite Shapeshifter
[6] Onar
[4] Greedo
[3] Elite Jawa Scavenger
[2] C3PO
[1] Devious Scheme
[1] Black Market
[3] Assassinate
[2] Call the Vanguard
[2] Heightened Reflexes
[2] Tools for the Job
[2] Comm Disruption
[1] Tough Luck
[1] Primary Target
[1] Negation
[1] Intelligence Leak
[O] Officer’s Training
[0] Celebration
[0] Positioning Advantage
[0] Element of Surprise
[0] Planning
[0] Take Initiative
[13] Darth Vader (Fix)
[7] Elite Riot Troopers
[7] Elite Jet Troopers
[7] Elite Jet Troopers
[2] Officer Imperial
[2] Officer Imperial
[1] Zyllo Technique
[1] Rule By Fear
[13] Darth Vader (Fix)
[7] Elite Riot Troopers
[7] Elite Jet Troopers
[7] Elite Jet Troopers
[2] Officer Imperial
[2] Officer Imperial
[1] Zyllo Technique
[1] Rule By Fear
[10] Elite Sentry Droid
[9] AT-DP
[8] Emperor Palpatine
[7] Elite Jet Troopers
[2] Officer Imperial
[2] Officer Imperial
[1] Zyllo Technique
[1] Rule By Fear
[3]Covering Fire
[2] Prepared for Battle
[2] Call the Vanguard
[1] Shared Experience
[1] Collateral Damage
[1] Concentrated Fire
[1] Armed Escort
[1] Brace for Impact
[0] Planning
[0] Urgency
[0] Fleet Footed
[0] Positioning Advantage
[0] Element of Surprise
[0] Take Initiative
[0] Targeting Network
[13] Darth Vader (Fix)
[7] Elite Riot Troopers
[7] Elite Jet Troopers
[7] Elite Jet Troopers
[2] Officer Imperial
[2] Officer Imperial
[1] Zyllo Technique
[1] Rule By Fear
[11] Chewbacca (Fix)
[10] Han Solo (Fix)
[4] Hera Syndulla
[3] Gideon Argus
[2] C-3PO
[2] Alliance Smuggler
[2] Alliance Smuggler
[2] Alliance Smuggler
[2] Rebel High Command
[1] Balance of the Force
[1] Unshakable
[3] On the Lam
[3] Debts Repaid
[2] Heart of Freedom
[2] Tools for the Job
[2] Slippery Target
[2] Run for Cover
[1] Black Market Prices
[1] Smuggled Suplies
[1] Negation
[1] Blitz
[0] Take the Initiative
[0] Element of Surprise
[0] Officer's Training
[0] Planning
[0] Toxic Dart
[9] AT-DP
[8] Emperor Palpatine
[7] Elite Jet Troopers
[2] Officer Imperial
[1] Zyllo Technique
[12] Elite Alliance Ranger
[10] Han Solo (Fix)
[7] Ko-Tun Feralo
[4] Hera Syndulla
[3] Gideon Argus
[2] C-3PO
[2] Alliance Smuggler
[8] Royal Guard
[7] Elite Jet Trooper
[7] Elite Jet Trooper
[4] Jet Trooper
[4] Jet Trooper
[2] Officer Imperial
[2] Officer Imperial
[2] Officer Imperial
[1] Zyllo Technique
[1] Targeting Computer
[1] Targeting Computer
[1] Rule By Fear
[3] Grenadier
[2] Squad Swarm
[2] Call The Vanguard
[2] Inspiring Speech
[2] Overrun
[1] Fuel Upgrade
[1] Negation
[1] Tough Luck
[1] Shared Experience
[0] Element of Surprise
[0] Take the Initiative
[0] Planning
[0] Celebration
[0] Officer's Training
[0] Ready Weapons
[7] Elite Weequay Pirate
[7] Elite Weequay Pirate
[6] Onar Koma
[5] Vinto Hreeda
[4] Hera Syndulla
[3] Elite Jawa Scavenger
[3] Gideon Argus
[2] C-3PO
[1] Devicious Scheme
[1] Temporary Alliance
[1] Black Market
[12] Elite Alliance Ranger
[10] Han Solo (Fix)
[4] Hera Syndulla
[3] Gideon Argus
[3] R2-D2
[2] C-3PO
[2] Alliance Smuggler
[2] Alliance Smuggler
[2] Alliance Smuggler
[3] Assassinate
[3] On the Lam
[2] Heightned Reflexes
[2] Tools for the Job
[2] Call the Vanguard
[1] Negation
[1] Single Purpose
[1] Smuggled Supplies
Aunque no son datos representativos de todos los regionales que se han jugado a lo largo del mundo, se pueden extraer algunas conclusiones.
7 regionales ganados por Rebeldes. (41%)
7 regionales ganados por Imperio. (41%)
3 regionales ganados por Mercenarios. (18%)
En USA parece haber una tendencia clara al dominio de Imperio
En FRANCIA la tendencia parece decantarse por Rebeldes.
En los DEMÁS PAISES parece haber igualdad entre facciones.
Si nos centramos por facciones:
En las listas REBELDES se ven sobre todo Han Solo y Rangers como principales; Hera, Gideon, C-3PO para otorgar concentración y control; Contrabandistas de las alianzas para ir a por objetivos.
En las listas IMPERIALES los más usados son Vader y Palpatine como principales; acompañados de Jet Trooper, Riot Trooper, AT-DP que otorgan apoyo en combate y control de objetivos; y Oficiales Imperiales para dar más movilidad y controlar objetivos también. No faltan tampoco las cartas accesorio como Zyllo Technique y Rule By Fear.
En la facción SCUM los más usados son IG-88 y los Piratas Weequays como principales; acompañados del trio rebelde (Hera, Gideon y C-3PO) para controlar y concentrar junto a Greedo, Vinto y Jawa. Otras cartas que son un must en este tipo de listas son Conspiración y Black Market.
Espero que os sea de utilidad el artículo.
Que la fuerza (oscura o no) os acompañe.
Un saludo
PD: Tuve la fortuna de poder asistir al Regional de Las Rozas, y aunque no tuve demasiada suerte en el torneo me lo pase genial y tuve la suerte de conocer y poner caras a muchos jugadores. Una buena experiencia, que sin duda volveré a repetir en futuras ocasiones.
Me encabta este juego y aunque haya muchas minis desfasadas, me da rabia que FFG lo esté dejando em StandBy...
ResponderEliminarGracias por el artículo, es siempre un placer ver y analizar listas!
Pronto habrá novedades ya lo verás. Ya queda poco para volver a enfrentarnos en una mesa de juego.