Listas (Lists)
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3 - Skirmish (Scenario 4)
La última ronda se jugó en el escenario por antonomasia, el Escenario 4: Skirmish, misma filosofía que la ronda anterior pero en vez de disponer solo de una pequeña esquina para desplegar sus fuerzas en este caso contaban con el borde entero de la mesa. En esta ronda tanto Kike como Erik se decidían el campeonato, aunque Jor y Carlos aún tenían esperanzas de alzarse con éste dependiendo de lo que hicieran sus rivales.
Last round was played on the scenario can be considered the default one, Scenario 4: Skirmish, same philosophy as in the last round but instead of only having a little corner for the deployment this time the full board of each side was available for that. On this round both Kike and Erik were playing for winning the tournament, although Jor and Carlos still had a little chance depending of their enemies result.
Así pues el bye fue nuevamente para el último clasificado, que en este punto era Manel, mientras que los emparejamientos quedaron:
Again the bye was for the last classified, Manel this time, while the matches were:
En el duelo entre Jor (Joker) vs Carlos (League of Shadows), al centrar toda mi atención sobre la otra partida tan solo puede anotar el resultado final:
On the game between Jor (Joker) vs Carlos (League of Shadows), I was focused on the other match so I could only take note of the final score.
En cuanto al duelo del que muy probablemente saldría el vencedor del torneo:
On the game that probably decided tournament's winner:
Last round was played on the scenario can be considered the default one, Scenario 4: Skirmish, same philosophy as in the last round but instead of only having a little corner for the deployment this time the full board of each side was available for that. On this round both Kike and Erik were playing for winning the tournament, although Jor and Carlos still had a little chance depending of their enemies result.
Así pues el bye fue nuevamente para el último clasificado, que en este punto era Manel, mientras que los emparejamientos quedaron:
Again the bye was for the last classified, Manel this time, while the matches were:
- Kike (The Penguin) vs Erik (League of Shadows)
- Jor (Joker) vs Carlos (League of Shadows)
- Manel: Bye
En el duelo entre Jor (Joker) vs Carlos (League of Shadows), al centrar toda mi atención sobre la otra partida tan solo puede anotar el resultado final:
On the game between Jor (Joker) vs Carlos (League of Shadows), I was focused on the other match so I could only take note of the final score.
Joker 12 - League of Shadows 25
En cuanto al duelo del que muy probablemente saldría el vencedor del torneo:
On the game that probably decided tournament's winner:
Pre-game sequence
Lo primero de todo, en cuanto al mobiliario urbano no se iba a disponer de muchas entradas y salidas de las alcantarillas ya que el Pingüino obtuvo 1 y la Liga 2. En cuanto a las farolas cada uno obtuvo el resultado deseado por el otro, el Pingüino obtuvo 1 única farola, mientras que la Liga, con lo poco que le gustan las fuentes de luz, obtuvo el máximo posible: 3.
First of all the urban furniture, it wasn't going to be so much entrances/exits from the sewers due to Penguin obtained only 1 and the the League 2. Regarding the lampposts each one obtained the desired quantity by the other, Penguin just 1 and the League, with all their hate for the light sources, obtained the maximum: 3.
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Ambas bandas estaban preparadas para lo que se avecinaba Both gangs were ready for the incoming battle |
Round 1
El azar decidió que Erik (Liga) empezase, con lo que tanto Shadow como Ying salieron disparados a intentar robarles los Enigmas a Oswald, obteniendo resultados diferentes. Mientras Shadow lograba resolver el complicado Enigma con un 6, Ying no tuvo tanta suerte y sacó un 3. Debido a que éstos Enigmas no les pertenecían, ambos tuvieron que aplicar un penalizador de -1 a sus resultados, con lo que tan solo Shadow pudo conseguir algún punto para los suyos: 1VP.
The random decided Erik (League) to begin. Shadow and Ying ran for stealing Oswald's Riddles, obtaining different results: Shadow solved the complicated Riddle with a 6, but Ying wasn't so lucky and he obtained a 3. Due to those Riddles wasn't hims, both rolls had a -1 penalty, so only Shadow could obtain 1VP for his crew.
The random decided Erik (League) to begin. Shadow and Ying ran for stealing Oswald's Riddles, obtaining different results: Shadow solved the complicated Riddle with a 6, but Ying wasn't so lucky and he obtained a 3. Due to those Riddles wasn't hims, both rolls had a -1 penalty, so only Shadow could obtain 1VP for his crew.
Mientras Kike (Pingüino) veía como sus Enigmas se le escapaban, Catwoman hizo lo que tan buenos resultados le había estado dando durante todo el torneo, coger el Botín lo antes posible, con lo que Kike conseguía sus primeros 2VP.
While Kike (Penguin) was seeing how his Riddles were stolen, Catwoman did what so good results gave her during all the tournament: to take the Loot as soon as possible, so Kike obtained his first 2VP.
While Kike (Penguin) was seeing how his Riddles were stolen, Catwoman did what so good results gave her during all the tournament: to take the Loot as soon as possible, so Kike obtained his first 2VP.
Mientras todo esto sucedía, los demás miembros de ambas bandas avanzaban hacia los demás objetivos, a excepción de Nyssa, que gracias a su Hook Arrow tenía la gran ventaja de poder moverse por las alturas, con lo que enseguida tomó posición sobre el camión de bomberos.
While all this was happening, the other members of both gangs advanced to the other objectives, with the exception of Nyssa who thanks to her Hook Arrow had the advantage of moving around the heights and taking an advantageous position over the fire truck.
While all this was happening, the other members of both gangs advanced to the other objectives, with the exception of Nyssa who thanks to her Hook Arrow had the advantage of moving around the heights and taking an advantageous position over the fire truck.
Al final de la ronda el Pingüino había tomado una ligera ventaja gracias a la adicción de la Gata a los objetos brillantes:
At the end of the round the Penguin took a lightly advantage thanks to Catwoman's love for shining objects:
At the end of the round the Penguin took a lightly advantage thanks to Catwoman's love for shining objects:
Penguin 2 - League of Shadows 1
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Ambas bandas avanzan hacia sus objetivos mientras Nyssa toma una posición ventajosa Both gangs advance to their objectives while Nyssa takes and advantageous position |
Round 2
Nuevamente La Liga volvió a tomar la delantera. Viendo el potencial de la Gata para garantizar puntos, Yang no se lo pensó dos veces y se abalanzo sobre ésta, aunque desgraciadamente de los 3 impactos logrados Selina logró parar 2 y el restante fue el propio Yang el que no consiguió herirla. Como era de esperar, la respuesta de Catwoman a esto fue... ¡huir Botín en mano!
Again The League took the lead. Seeing Catwoman's potential for obtaining points Yang decided to engage her, although unfortunately from the 3 success impacts against her she blocked 2 and the other was Yang who didn't injured her. As it was expected, Catwoman's answer to that was... to runaway with the Loot on her claws!
Again The League took the lead. Seeing Catwoman's potential for obtaining points Yang decided to engage her, although unfortunately from the 3 success impacts against her she blocked 2 and the other was Yang who didn't injured her. As it was expected, Catwoman's answer to that was... to runaway with the Loot on her claws!
Pero Yang no fue el único que pasó a la acción, Nyssa desde su posición ventajosa descendió hasta su Cajón de Munición y atacó a uno de los Pistoleros con fortuna, logrando causarle 2 dolorosas heridas. La respuesta de la víctima como era de esperar fue disparar a su agresora, pero éste no era tan buen tirador como la hija del Cabeza del Demonio y erró el disparo.
But not only Yang decided to take action, Nyssa from her advantageous position descended until her Ammor Crate and attacked one of the Gunners, dealing him 2 painful wounds. The answer of the victim as it was expected was to shoot against his attacker, but he wasn't as good shooter as the Demon's Head's daughter and failed the shot.
But not only Yang decided to take action, Nyssa from her advantageous position descended until her Ammor Crate and attacked one of the Gunners, dealing him 2 painful wounds. The answer of the victim as it was expected was to shoot against his attacker, but he wasn't as good shooter as the Demon's Head's daughter and failed the shot.
Por su parte, otro de los Pistoleros de Oswald vio la oportunidad de disparar al miembro más débil de La Liga: Shadow. A diferencia de su compañero, éste sí logró impactar aunque con una única bala. El Pistolero restante, al igual que sus hermanos, hizo lo mismo pero contra Yang, aunque las balas fueron a parar contra el muro detrás del cual éste se había parapetado.
Meanwhile, other of Oswald's Gunners saw the chance for shooting the weakest member of the League: Shadow. Unlike his partner, this one succeed although with only one bullet. The remaining Shooter did the sane as his brothers but against Yang, although all the bullets impacted on the wall behind he was covered.
Meanwhile, other of Oswald's Gunners saw the chance for shooting the weakest member of the League: Shadow. Unlike his partner, this one succeed although with only one bullet. The remaining Shooter did the sane as his brothers but against Yang, although all the bullets impacted on the wall behind he was covered.
Se llegaba al final de la ronda con Catwoman aún dándole puntos fáciles a Oswald, aunque el Cajón de Munición controlado por Nyssa logró que la diferencia en puntos no existiese:
At the end of the round Catwoman was still giving easy points to Oswald, although the Ammo Crate controlled by Nyssa made the round end with a draw:
At the end of the round Catwoman was still giving easy points to Oswald, although the Ammo Crate controlled by Nyssa made the round end with a draw:
Penguin 2 - League of Shadows 3 (4-4)
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Catwoman no solo sale indemne del ataque de Yang sino que además sale huyendo para ponerse a salvo Catwoman not only suffered 0 damage on Yang's attack, she decided to runaway for staying safer |
Round 3
Por fin Kike (Pingüino) tenía la potestad de decidir qué hacer antes, si planificar o activar, y se decantó por pasar a la acción primero. Al igual que el turno anterior, el mismo Pistolero intentó acribillar a Yang, pero nuevamente obtuvo el mismo nefasto resultado.Finally Kike (Penguin) could decide what to do first, if planning or activating and he decided for taking action first. As in the last round, the same Gunner tried to shoot Yang, but he failed again.
La respuesta de Erik (Liga) no se hizo esperar haciendo que Nyssa disparase a Machete desde su posición entre barriles, logrando nuevamente hacer efectivo el disparo contra éste. A continuación decidió sacrificar el Cajón de Munición en pos de su seguridad, ya que otro de los Pistoleros seguía amenazándola.
Erik's (League) answer didn't take so long, Nyssa shoot Machete from the position covered by the barrels, obtaining again a success against him. Next to that she decided to sacrify the Ammo Crrate for her safety, so other of the Gunners was still threatening her.
Ante el ataque del jefe rival Oswald hizo lo mismo contra Yang, aunque esta vez éste no tuvo tanta suerte, y el Cañón Oculto de su Paraguas no solo le impactó de pleno sino que además le causó una herida crítica, dejando a éste a 1 golpe de besar el suelo. Aprovechando el estado en el que había quedado Yang, Machete decidió acabar con su sufrimiento sin contemplaciones.
Seing what Nyssa did, Oswald did the same but against Yangd, although this time he hadn't so much luck and the Umbrella Cannon not only impacted him, it also caused him a critical hit leaving him with just one injury left. Seeing Yang's suffering Machete decided to end with his life without any doubt.
Antes de ver caer a su compañero en las sombras, Seeker intentó imitar a Nyssa desde la distancia gracias al gran rango de visión que le daban sus Gafas de Visión Nocturna, pero su flecha fue a parar a una pared. Ante semejante ensañamiento contra su hermano, Ying decidió que lo más sensato sería intentar avanzar hasta su Contenedor de Titán.
Before seeing how his partner fall during the battler, Seeker tried to do the same as Nyssa thanks to his Night Vision Goggles, but his arrow ended on a wall. Looking what they did with his brother, Ying decided the most reasonable thing was to run to his Titan Container.
Se llegaba al ecuador de la partida con un ninja cayendo en acto de servicio, mientras Catwoman seguía a lo suyo con el Botín. El Cajón de Munición que Nyssa se vio obligada a abandonar hubiera mantenido el equilibrio en el marcador:
It was the middle of the game with a ninja dying for his brothers, while Catwoman was still doing the same with the Loot. Nyssa's Ammo Crate she had to left behind could have balanced the score:
Penguin 4 - League of Shadows 0 (8-4)
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Nyssa decide castigar duramente a Machete desde la seguridad de los barriles Nyssa decides to hardly punish Machete behind the safety of the barrels |
Round 4
Nuevamente Kike (Pingüino) volvía a hablar y nuevamente decidió pasar a la acción primero.Once more Kike (Penguin) talked first and again he decided to take action first.
Nyssa fue la encargada de nivelar la balanza de bajas rematando al maltrecho Pistolero. Ante esta esperada muerte Cobblepot decidió poner pies en polvorosa no sin antes Inspirar a sus chicos. Mientras Shadow se acercaba peligrosamente hacia su Cajón de Munición y Ying conseguía llegar al Contenedor de Titán y sacar una dosis de él.
Nyssa balanced the scales killing the damaged Gunner. Immediately after that, Cobblepot decided to put himself safe Inspiring before his guys, while Shadow was so close to its Ammo Crate and Ying finally arrived to his Titan Container and obtaining a dose from it.
Tras la muerte del secuaz del Pingüino y el control del Contenedor de Titán, Erik parecía que recuperaba algo de terreno, pero ahí seguía Selina con el Botín dándole nuevamente puntos:
After the dead of Penguin's henchmen and the control of the Titan Container, it seemed Erik was recovering some terrain, but Selina woke him up from the dream scoring once more easy points.
Penguin 2 - League of Shadows 4 (10-8)
Round 5
Y por tercera ronda consecutiva Kike (Pingüino) tenía la palabra, y nuevamente decidió golpear primero. Como era de esperar, el Pistolero que esperaba a Shadow decidió vaciar el cargador sobre éste, y vaya que si lo hizo, logrando no solo herir con las tres balas sino causándole crítico y derribándole, aunque las balas fueron más que suficiente para dejarlo KO.And for third consecutive round Kike (Penguin) took the lead and again he decided to strike first. As it was expected, the Gunner awaiting for Shadow emptied his clip on him with a perfect result: 3 impacts and a critic knocking him down, althought the bukllets were enough for knocking him down.
La Dosis de Titán que se inyectó Ying no le sirvió de nada ya que todos sus ataques fueron fallidos, y la respuesta del Pingüino a esto fue pegarle un tiro a quemarropa mediante su Pistolero.
The Titan Dose Ying used was useless due to al his attacks failed, Penguin's answer for that was shooting him at close range with his Gunman.
Seeker no quería ser menos que los tiradores rivales y en esta ocasión sí logró impactar contra Machete, logrando las suficientes heridas como para añadirlo a la lista de bajas del Pingüino.
Seeker didn't want to be less than enemy's shooters and this time he succeed against Machete obtaining enough wounds to add him to Penguin's casualty list.
Aunque Erik (Liga) logró llevarse por delante a uno de los secuaces del Pingüino, nuevamente el Botín de Selina y el haber dejado KO a Shadow seguían permitiendo a Kike (Pingüino) mantener la ventaja:
Althought Erik (League) could kill a Penguin's henchmen, again Selina's Loot and having letting Shadow KO let Kike (Penguin) keep the advantage:
Penguin 3 - League of Shadows 2 (13-10)
Round 6
Para la última ronda poco quedaba ya por hacer. Catwoman decidió hacer algo diferente y se acercó al Contenerdor de Titán a por una Dosis, mientras que el Pistolero acababa con el sufrimiento de Shadow en el suelo.For the last round there were not so much to do. Catwoman decided to do something different and came to the Titan Container for picking a Dose, while the Gunner ended with Shadow's suffering on the ground.
Penguin 3 - League of Shadows 0 (16-10)
Gracias a este último turno, Kike (Pengüin) consiguió los puntos suficientes para lograr acabar con una diferencia mayor de 5, lo que le permitió conseguir una victoria parcial ante Erik (Liga).
Thanks to that last round, Kike (Penguin) obtained the needed points for ending the game with a difference higher than 5, which let him obtain a partial victory against Erik (League)
Thanks to that last round, Kike (Penguin) obtained the needed points for ending the game with a difference higher than 5, which let him obtain a partial victory against Erik (League)
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