Listas (Lists)
Round 1
Round 2 - Patrol (Scenario 3)
La ronda 2 fue el Escenario 3: Patrol, en el cual ambas bandas se despliegan en esquinas opuestas del tablero con lo que la travesía de una esquina a otra puede hacerse larga. Además esto favorece a que el rival controle objetivos rivales desplegados unos centímetros más allá de su zona de despliegue, como Enigmas y Botines ya que cuesta poco llegar a ellos. Un buen escenario para hacer uso de alcantarillas y de modelos con alta movilidad, como las famosas Batgarras.
Round 2 was the Scenario 3: Patrol, where both gangs are deployed on opposite corners of the board, which can make it long to cross it from one corner to the other. It benefits the rival for controlling enemies objectives deployed far away his deployment area like Riddles and Loots due to the enemy can reach them quite fast. A good scenario for using well the sewers and high mobility models, like the ones equipped with Batclaws.
En este caso el bye fue para el último clasificado hasta el momento, y dado que tanto Carlos como Manel compartían este "privilegio", el azar decidió que éste fuera para Manel. El resto de emparejamientos quedaron:
On this case the bye was for the last clasified until the moment, and due to both Carlos and Manel shared this "privilege", the random decided this was going to Manel. The rest of the matchings were:
Round 2 was the Scenario 3: Patrol, where both gangs are deployed on opposite corners of the board, which can make it long to cross it from one corner to the other. It benefits the rival for controlling enemies objectives deployed far away his deployment area like Riddles and Loots due to the enemy can reach them quite fast. A good scenario for using well the sewers and high mobility models, like the ones equipped with Batclaws.
En este caso el bye fue para el último clasificado hasta el momento, y dado que tanto Carlos como Manel compartían este "privilegio", el azar decidió que éste fuera para Manel. El resto de emparejamientos quedaron:
On this case the bye was for the last clasified until the moment, and due to both Carlos and Manel shared this "privilege", the random decided this was going to Manel. The rest of the matchings were:
- Kike (The Penguin) vs Jor (Joker)
- Erik (League of Shadows) vs Manel (Joker)
- Carlos: Bye
En este caso al Pingüino le tocó lidiar con una banda con un estilo similar al suyo: cantidad sin calidad, aunque la inclusión de Enigma en las filas del Joker rompía un poco esta filosofía.
On this case the Penguin had to face against a gang with a similar gaming style: quantity without quality, although the signing of Riddler on Joker's gang broke a little that philosophy.
On this case the Penguin had to face against a gang with a similar gaming style: quantity without quality, although the signing of Riddler on Joker's gang broke a little that philosophy.
Kike (Penguin) | Jor (Joker) | |
| Loot Ammo Crate Titan Container Extra Loot |
Riddle Titan Container |
Round 1
Loot: 2VP (Catwoman)
Ammo Crate: - Titan Container: - Extra Loot: - Riddle: -1+1 = 0VP TOTAL: 2VP |
Loot: 1VP
Riddle: - Titan Container: - TOTAL: 1VP |
Round 2
Loot: 2VP (Catwoman)
Ammo Crate: - Titan Container: - Extra Loot: - TOTAL: 2VP |
Loot: 1VP
Titan Container: - TOTAL: 1VP |
Round 3
Loot: 2VP (Catwoman)
Ammo Crate: - Titan Container: - Extra Loot: - TOTAL: 2VP |
Loot: 1VP
Titan Container: - TOTAL: 1VP |
Round 4
Loot: 2VP (Catwoman)
Ammo Crate: - Titan Container: - Extra Loot: - TOTAL: 2VP |
Loot: 1VP
Titan Container: - TOTAL: 1VP |
Round 5
Loot: 2VP (Catwoman)
Ammo Crate: 3VP Titan Container: - Extra Loot: - TOTAL: 4VP |
Loot: 1VP
Titan Container: - Casualties: 2VP (Machete) Bonus: 1VP (Noise!) TOTAL: 4VP |
Round 6
Loot: 2VP (Catwoman)
Ammo Crate: - Titan Container: - Extra Loot: - Casualties: 2VP (Knife) TOTAL: 4VP |
Loot: 1VP
Titan Container: - Casualties: 2VP (Gun) TOTAL: 3VP |
16 + 3 (bonus) VP
11 VP
12VP (Catwoman)
Ammo Crate
Titan Container |
Con el Botín y los Enigmas del Joker tan cerca de la base del Pingüino, éste no tardó en agenciárselos, aunque en el caso de los Enigmas fue más bien para que su rival no puntuase por ellos. En este caso los Contenedores de Titán estuvieron de puro adorno, ya que a ninguno les otorgó ningún punto, bastante que un secuaz del Pingüino se dignó a cogerse una dosis por si acaso. Mientras tanto, al igual que en la partida anterior, Catwoman se dedicó ha hacer lo que mejor sabe, robar el Botín y correr con él.
With Jokers' Loot and Riddles so close from Penguin's base, he didn't take so long to conquer them, although the idea behind taking the Riddles was ruining his rival to score. On this case Titan Containers where a decorative object due to no one reached any point from them, at least a Penguin's henchmen took a Titan Dose from it just in case. Meanwhile, as in the last game, Catwoman did what she is the best on it: to take the Loot and run with it.
En el aspecto agresivo los golpes se hicieron de rogar, ya que hasta el penúltimo turno no empezó a correr sangre, que aunque tardía se cobró a unas pocas víctimas, aunque esto al Pingüino no le debió afectar mucho dada la superpoblación de esbirros de que disponía.
On the aggressive aspect the hits took so long to begin, until the last round the blood didn't begin to flood the ground. Although late it took some victims, but it didn't affect so much the Penguin due to his henchmen overpopulation he had on the gang.
Todo esto desembocó en una victoria por los pelos por parte del Pingüino. El hecho de haber conseguido colar a Catwoman en la zona de despliegue enemiga le dio los puntos suficientes para conseguir una victoria parcial.
All this ended on a Penguin's victory by the narrowest. The fact of having ended with Catwoman on the enemies deployment area gave him enough points for reaching a partial victory.
With Jokers' Loot and Riddles so close from Penguin's base, he didn't take so long to conquer them, although the idea behind taking the Riddles was ruining his rival to score. On this case Titan Containers where a decorative object due to no one reached any point from them, at least a Penguin's henchmen took a Titan Dose from it just in case. Meanwhile, as in the last game, Catwoman did what she is the best on it: to take the Loot and run with it.
En el aspecto agresivo los golpes se hicieron de rogar, ya que hasta el penúltimo turno no empezó a correr sangre, que aunque tardía se cobró a unas pocas víctimas, aunque esto al Pingüino no le debió afectar mucho dada la superpoblación de esbirros de que disponía.
On the aggressive aspect the hits took so long to begin, until the last round the blood didn't begin to flood the ground. Although late it took some victims, but it didn't affect so much the Penguin due to his henchmen overpopulation he had on the gang.
Todo esto desembocó en una victoria por los pelos por parte del Pingüino. El hecho de haber conseguido colar a Catwoman en la zona de despliegue enemiga le dio los puntos suficientes para conseguir una victoria parcial.
All this ended on a Penguin's victory by the narrowest. The fact of having ended with Catwoman on the enemies deployment area gave him enough points for reaching a partial victory.
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Heath Ledger aprovechó sus dos miembros con Batgarras para situarlos en posiciones elevadas
Heath Ledger took advantage from his two member with batclaw putting them on high position |
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Master of Ceremonies estaba preparado por si era necesario defender el Titán ante el ataque rival
Master of Ceremonies was ready if it was necessary to defend the Titan from enemies attacks |
En la otra partida de la ronda por fin La Liga de las Sombras de Erik hizo su aparición en Gotham con la intención de hacérselo pasar muy mal a la banda de Red Hood.
On the other game of the round, finally Erik's League of Shadows appeared on Gotham with the idea of doing a hard time with Red Hood's gang.
On the other game of the round, finally Erik's League of Shadows appeared on Gotham with the idea of doing a hard time with Red Hood's gang.
Erik (League of Shadows) | Manel (Joker) | |
Patrol (1/C)
Change of Plans (1/D)
| Loot Ammo Crate Titan Container |
Ammo Crate Titan Container |
Round 1
Loot: -
Ammo Crate: - Titan Container: - TOTAL: 0VP |
Loot: 1VP
Ammo Crate: - Titan Container: - Bonus: 1VP (Noise!) TOTAL: 2VP |
Round 2
Loot: 1VP
Ammo Crate: - Titan Container: - TOTAL: 1VP |
Loot: 1VP
Ammo Crate: - Titan Container: - TOTAL: 1VP |
Round 3
Loot: 1VP
Ammo Crate: - Titan Container: - Casualties: 4VP (Tube & Tube) TOTAL: 5VP |
Loot: 1VP
Ammo Crate: 3VP Titan Container: - KO: 1VP (Shadow) TOTAL: 5VP |
Round 4
Loot: 1VP
Ammo Crate: 3VP Titan Container: - TOTAL: 4VP |
Loot: 1VP
Ammo Crate: 3VP Titan Container: 2VP TOTAL: 6VP |
Round 5
Loot: 1VP
Ammo Crate: 3VP Titan Container: - TOTAL: 4VP |
Loot: 1VP
Ammo Crate: 3VP Titan Container: 2VP TOTAL: 6VP |
Round 6
| - |
14 + 3 (bonus) VP
20 VP
Ammo Crate
Titan Container |
Al igual que la otra partida de la ronda, esta también estuvo muy igualada, aunque en este caso tanta igualdad acabó con un empate a Tournament Points.
As on the other game of the round, that match was also very even, although on this case that even ended with a Tournament points tie.
Por el contrario, si en la otra partida hasta casi el final no empezaron a llover tortas, en esta el Joker dio el primer golpe gracias a sus Explosive Teeth y su Total Vision. Aunque esto solo sirvió para enfurecer a los ninjas, ya que fueron éstos los que se llevaron a unos cuantos payasos por delante, permitiéndose el lujo de perder tan solo por KO a Shadow.
On the other side, if in the other game almost until the end the hits didn't begin, on this game the Joker struck the first hit thanks to his Explosive Teeth and his Total Vision. Altough it only was useful to become the ninjas angry, due to they killed some of the clown losing only Shadow by KO during the fight.
En esta contienda la Liga de las Sombras sacó especial beneficio del intercambio de golpes, mientras que el Joker se dedicó a controlar su Cajón de Munición y su Contenedor de Titán hasta donde le fue posible, o más bien hasta donde Nyssa y sus chicos se lo permitieron.
On this match the League of Shadows took special benefit from the exchange blows, while Joker's guys were controlling his Ammo Crate and his Titan Container until Nyssa and her ninjas let them.
Mientras tanto Carlos y su Liga de las Sombras se retiraron a la Ciudad Maravilla que habían dejado libre los chicos de Erik.
Meanwhile Carlos and his League of Shadows withdrew to the Wonder City the Erik's guys left free.
El próximo día sabremos qué ocurrió en el duelo que decidía el campeón.
Next day we will know what happened on the match deciding the tournament champion.
As on the other game of the round, that match was also very even, although on this case that even ended with a Tournament points tie.
Por el contrario, si en la otra partida hasta casi el final no empezaron a llover tortas, en esta el Joker dio el primer golpe gracias a sus Explosive Teeth y su Total Vision. Aunque esto solo sirvió para enfurecer a los ninjas, ya que fueron éstos los que se llevaron a unos cuantos payasos por delante, permitiéndose el lujo de perder tan solo por KO a Shadow.
On the other side, if in the other game almost until the end the hits didn't begin, on this game the Joker struck the first hit thanks to his Explosive Teeth and his Total Vision. Altough it only was useful to become the ninjas angry, due to they killed some of the clown losing only Shadow by KO during the fight.
En esta contienda la Liga de las Sombras sacó especial beneficio del intercambio de golpes, mientras que el Joker se dedicó a controlar su Cajón de Munición y su Contenedor de Titán hasta donde le fue posible, o más bien hasta donde Nyssa y sus chicos se lo permitieron.
On this match the League of Shadows took special benefit from the exchange blows, while Joker's guys were controlling his Ammo Crate and his Titan Container until Nyssa and her ninjas let them.
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La Liga toma posiciones siempre buen recaudo The Lige always take safe positions |
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Nyssa se encargaba de cubrir a sus camaradas desde los tejados Nyssa was in charge of covering her mates from the roofs |
Mientras tanto Carlos y su Liga de las Sombras se retiraron a la Ciudad Maravilla que habían dejado libre los chicos de Erik.
Meanwhile Carlos and his League of Shadows withdrew to the Wonder City the Erik's guys left free.
El próximo día sabremos qué ocurrió en el duelo que decidía el campeón.
Next day we will know what happened on the match deciding the tournament champion.
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