
martes, 19 de septiembre de 2017

Complete guide Batman Miniature Game 2.0. Part II

We continue with our second part of our guide on BMG 2.0, this time we will focus on the new character cards and changes in the organization of crews.

New profile cards

As you have noticed, the cards of these new profiles change radically with respect to the previous ones. The main change lies in its size and design, become 2.5 "x 3.5", and with a more visual and simple design. KM has ensured that the old cards will continue to be compatible with 2.0, and that these changes are merely aesthetic.

Of the changes that most attract the attention are the visuals, small details in the way of showing the information by means of icons instead of numbers or letters, as was done in the previous ones.

These are the visual changes:
  • The ammo happens to represent it with a "bullet icon".
  • The Rate of Fire is represented with a "bull's eye icon".
  • The rank and affiliation is represented with a different icon, depending on the case.
  • The damage of the weapon, specifically the lethal damage (blood droplet), becomes black rather than red.
  • The Hates now are “Rivals”.
Another of the big changes in the cards are the traits that appear in the box to the left, the "Quick Start Rules", reduced list of traits, specially thought for those who are beginning and of that way they do not have to be consulting so many rules. The Sidekicks are going to thank him in his introductory games.

Restructuring of the crews

The organization of the crewa will also "suffer" relevant changes. To begin, Batman, Green Arrow and Law Forces, now they will be a single crew: The Brave and the Bold. But it will not be the only crew that changes its name, The Poison Ivy crew is renamed to The Gotham City Sirens.

On the other hand, Organized Crime will now group several crewa: Organized Crime, Two-Face, Black Mask and Lex Corp.

This organizational change will allow crewa that previously had few new features to combine with other affiliated miniatures and thus offset and remain competitive, in addition to the obvious gain in variety.

We have yet to see if the result of this merger of crewa does not arise some aberrant combo that decomposes in tournaments, which is probably what most fear is generating in the community, although for that we will have to wait to know more about 2.0.

La imagen puede contener: texto

But as a result of these regroupings, has generated much controversy surrounding the dissolution of Mad Hatter as its own crew, which will now become part of Organized Crime.
However, this should not be a problem, because now he acquires the Leader/Free Agent range, so we can take it as leader of our crew or if we prefer it as Free Agent, a very interesting option too. As for the rest of their starter, Tweedle-Dum and Tweedle-Dee maintain affiliation to Joker and White Rabbit's affiliation with Bane, in addition to gaining the affiliation Organized Crime.

And so far our analysis of the new BMG 2.0. You can find all teaser releases published to date by Knight Models on it website.

We hope you enjoyed our review as much as we did.

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