
jueves, 14 de septiembre de 2017

Complete guide Batman Miniature Game 2.0. Part I

La imagen puede contener: una o varias personas

After the summer we come with the loaded batteries ready to bring you the best reports on this game, and now also on this new version of the game, which for the moment is leaving us crazy.

We bring you the first entry of a series, which we hope will serve as a guide, where we intend to gather all the news and teasers about the second edition of Batman Miniature Game that have been published to date.

It all began after the leak of an image of the first miniature of resin scale that KM is going to start producing, a version of Batman, similar to its Arkham City Version.

La imagen puede contener: una persona

After this leak, KM publicly announced on August 17 its website the first official announcement of the launch of the second edition of BMG 2.0, announcing that after five years, it was time to get a second edition, collecting the whole game experience and feedback from the community, in order to give a good face wash.

At the same time that they informed of a new range of miniatures in resin, that would coexist with the existing ones. Ensuring, however, that all of the above will remain 100% compatible, as well as expansion books, such as the Arkham Knight Campaign Book.

They have also confirmed that the new rulebook resulting from this BMG 2.0 would be in downloadable version of its own website.

As if that were not enough, it has also leaked what is probably the list of the next releases, the new starter set in resin with its prices in pounds, which are supposed to go on sale this month, based on the preorder that or had published on their respective websites, although it is still not confirmed 100% by KM.

It is rumored that the price in dollars could range from 30$ for normal starters and 35$ for starters with some big miniature (we assume for the size of Bane, although we are baffled by the price difference in Sirens). This would mean a price decrease around 40% compared to the current packs, certainly a good  incentive to attract new players.

With this filtration, we can see the composition of the packs with which KM will inaugurate its new edition, bringing up for sale up to five starters, in addition to a new version of Nightwing. If confirmed this information, would be the largest print of miniatures that the brand has taken to date, terrible for our pockets...

Specifically these would be the names of the new starter confirmed by KM, which should be added Batman pack, Blackgate Prisoner Set and Nightwing:

On the other hand, and prior to this super-release, KM has moved to the section of Arkham Legends, a good part of its stock (around 80 new references can now be seen in this section), imagine that to relieve the shops with limited physical space and to "replace" older starters.

In the following link you can see the link to the website of KM with all the miniatures that happen to be Legends.

Thanks for comments and see you in La Biblioteca de Alfred.

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