
viernes, 9 de junio de 2017

1st Triathlon BMG La Biblioteca de Alfred 2017

Hello everybody!

From La Biblioteca de Alfred we are proud of presenting you... the I Triathlon of Batman Miniature Game 2017!


You will be wondering, what the hell is this!? It is easy, the 3 Sidekicks of Knight Models in Valencia, Madrid and Albacete (Spain) have joined for celebrating 3 Batmatch, one per city, scoring each one for the final classification of the Triathlon.

So, ordering them by date, the different Batmatch will be:

- III Batmatch La Biblioteca de Alfred REQ (July 22nd, Valencia).

- I National Batmatch La Biblioteca de Alfred Freak Wars (September 16th, Madrid).

- II Batmatch La Biblioteca de Alfred Albatoy (November 18th/19th, Albacete).


The rules for the 3 events will be the ones defined on the current version of the official Batmatch document at the moment. Current version can be downloaded from here:

Each Batmatch will be played with the standard rules and it is not mandatory to play all the Batmatch with the same crew configuration or crew.


The used scoring system will be the same for the 3 events, using the official one. On each Batmatch the Victory Points (VP), Batmatch Points (BP) and killed points will be saved, in addition with some other scores needed for other prizes.

From La Biblioteca de Alfred we will track the classifications and make the scores and classification of each Batmatch visible.

Once finished the Triathlon, the organisation will select the 2 best results of each player, and a final classification will be done. It is a requirement having participated at least in 2 of the 3 celebrated Batmatch for being taken into account for the final classification.


As commented, it will be selected the 2 best results of each player for elaborating the final Ranking and deliver the prizes. Is must be highlited that each Batmatch will have its own prizes, this prizes are just a plus when finishing the Triathlon.

-Best Classified:
It will be ordered by the Batmatch Points (BP) obtained during the different Batmatch. The Victory Points (VP) will be used for the draws, and if it remains, the killing points will be used. If the draw still exists, it will be solved randomly.

1° - Trophy + Starter + Season Blister
2° - Trophy + Special Blister + Normal Blister.
3° - Trophy + Special Blister.

-Best Offensive

From the 2 best results of the Triathlon. the player who obtained more points for KO (not for killing), will be the winner. If a draw exists, the winner will the the payer with the best killing score, and if once again it remains, it will be solved randomly.

Prize: Trophy + Normal Blister.

-Best Defense:

From the 2 best results of the Triathlon. the player receiving the less VP will be the winner. If a draw exists, the winner will the the payer with the best killing score, and if once again it remains, it will be solved randomly.

Prize: Trophy + Normal Blister.

-Last classified:

From the 2 best results of the Triathlon. the last player will the winner of this precious award. If a draw exists, it will be solved randomly.


It won't be necessary any inscription for the Triathlon because the players will pay for each of the different Batmatch. The organization will be in charge of taking all the data and scores of each Batmatch for making them public in the blog.

With all this we expect you like the idea and being as excited as us for the celebration of this huge event. At the end there are a lot of awards and games at the same time we meet players from different communities for having some fun playing Batman Miniature Game..

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