
martes, 21 de marzo de 2017

Painting Step by Step: Deadshot

We continue with the squad. And only Katana and Deadshot are missing, so we'll continued with Deadshot.  

As in the rest of the squad we are going to prime with Chaos Black and White Corax from Games Workshop (to make it shorter if you see that I put an asterisk * after the name of the paintings is to make reference that the brand is GW, otherwise I will put the brand back). 


We are going to paint them as we painted the clothes of Slipknot

Skin and beard
As I assembled the clear head of Deadshot, the skin must be painted (which I don't know if it was a good idea now that I think about it...). To start we are going to use Bugman's Glow *. Then will make a wash with Reikland Fleshshade* and other washing diluting Rhinox Hide * in enough water, to make the dark skin tone. To make the beard we'll use a subsequent washing with Abaddon Black *.

The color base will be Mephiston Red*, we will make a wash with Rhinox Hide *, we will return to glow it with the color base and Evil Sunz Scarlet*.

Armour, boots and belts
Begining with Petroleum Gray (from Scale75), we will do a wash with Abaddon Black* and make small stripes with Dawnstone* and Administratum Grey* to simulate varying degrees of damage on the armour.  

Pink parts of the armor, lens and weapons
We are going to start with Warlock Purple* (although is out of the stock of GW), we will do a wash with Rhinox Hide* amd glow it with Warlock again. As in the black part of the armor we are going to simulate damage mixing Warlock with Tentacle Pink* and pure Tentacle Pink*. (If you see that the armor pink is too pink it can be soften slightly with a gentle washing of Agrax Earthshade* at the end). 

Golden parts
We will use Gehenna's Gold* as color base, illuminated with Auric Armour Gold* and we will do a gentle wash with Agrax Earthshade*.  

Only rest the base and we can consider it ready to go!

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