
martes, 21 de marzo de 2017

MoM Miniaturas: Releases

Hi to everyone.

We continue with our foray into other games and brands of the spanish scene, in this case MoM Miniatures, brand that offers miniatures with a more than acceptable finish at a very affordable price. To this day, if I had to buy something in Chinohammer, I would certainly look here first.

Although it could be seen in the Hispania (a spanish leisure days), last week put on sale Thirdriel (the name is not important xD) for €8. Although this mount is not available as such in an Army of Warhammer of High Elves, can be an interesting alternative if we want to put commanding it a prince of the region of Cracia and that aesthetically it has some characteristic touch of these stiff warriors. Although this character has come alone, it has already been said in the  Facebook of this brand that it is intended to do a unit of this style that goes in line with the character.
They have also announced the pre-order of the Zeppelin which was also seen in las Hispana, being one of the focus of people's eyes on the stand of this brand, opened until Juny 20th. Despite of the first idea was release it via Kickstarter, at the end they will produce this "miniature" via pre-order, but keeping the essence of the Kickstarters, with a production limited to 5000 units, and if they achieve to sell 100 units, they will give the next couple of dwarfs:
The basic cost of this product will be 100€ for the complete Zeppelin and all the unlocked gifts. For 15€ more (115€) it can be additionally purchased a duplicate of the crew, so you can have the crew of the Zeppelin out of it, and all the unlocked gifts are also given.
Lastly, for 135€ in addition to all the already mentioned, it can be added a second copy of all the accessories out of this flying vehicle.
If you want to know more about this brand and what they have in mind for this Zeppelin, you can listen them on the interview (audio 15) made by our friends of Turno Cu4tro during las Hispania (only in Spanish). 

Regards and we keep reading on La Biblioteca de Alfred
Xermi (translated by Josito & Xermi)

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