
domingo, 12 de marzo de 2017

Alternative data sheets #001: BMG. Al Sah-him

Hi there!

We'll try to propose an alternative data sheet every Sunday, using Knight Models' models or adapting miniatures from other brands to DC Universe.

Josito has prepared an alternative profile for Arrow (TV show) as Al Sah-him. This Arrow can be act as Green Arrow's or League of Shadows' Leader.

As you can observe, this card offers you the possibility of fighting in close combat (Ata4, Sword, Martial Artist) better than the other Arrows, and, altough he loses Shooting power, he can move much better thanks to his Mov4, Acrobat and Grapple Gun.

One of his strengths is the opportunity to use Arrow in a League of Shadows crew as a Leader, offering movement and Batclaw to control the highs with Nyssa.

Nyssa is the other advantage of this alternative card, cause she can be included in a Green Arrow crew as a Free Agent.

In my opinion, this is an interesting alternative to all of you who play one or both crews and want to play differently. I can not wait to use Oliver Queen as a Ninja!

Following you have two videos about the TV show to see (or remember) how the character is. (SPOLIERS ALERT!)

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