
miércoles, 8 de febrero de 2017

Interview the winner of Batman Miniature Game Tournament on Valencia with Green Arrow Band

Today we interviewed the champion of the tournament of Batman Miniature Game of last 21 of January, that was celebrated in Valencia (Spain), our friend and collaborator of La Biblioteca De Alfred, Jose Luis Villanueva.

Josito, as we call him, was the first to win his first big tournament, with the Green Arrow band, which has been a surprise for many, even for himself xD.

The truth is that, after this first place and the second that also got our friend and collaborator Jesus Harly in the Albatoy Tournament*, Green Arrow bands are beginning to see themselves at the top of important tournaments, which has aroused the curiosity of many of you, who have asked us about the lists of these players and their tactics.

And this is why we found this interview interesting:

Question: Tell us Josito, did you expect to get such a good result before the tournament with your Green Arrow band?
Answer: The truth is that I was quite animated, and eager to give it all; But I did not think I would win.

Q: Tell us, which band did you specifically lead?
A: Well, it was an 8 miniatures band led by Frank Miller's Green Arrow, which I like it more and more. To support him had the invaluable help of Hawkgirl and Canary Animated version. And to finish the band, there are Quick Team Response (QTR) 1 and 3, Policeman(Carl), Policewoman and Swat Delta.
As equipment there are a pair of whistles for Delta and QTR 1, a Grapple Gun for the QRT 3, and a lantern for Striper Girl.

Q: Tell us about the tactics you usually use with this one.
A: Both with this list, as other lists with other Arrows, I usually use this one to leave it in the heights and condition the enemy advance; in addition to being able to reduce it by shooting. Also, thanks to the Hook Arrow, he has enough margin of movement in most situations. I throw Canary against groups of henchmen, also to try to reduce its advance thanks to her Canary Cry. Hawkgirl is for support in Cac; besides that with her traits of flying can travel great distances and help where she is needed. I use QTR 3 in a manner similar to Arrow, but more defensive. QTR 1 and Delta, thanks to their whistles, also can reduce the rival advance, besides advancing to objetives and to be able to shoot their weapons. Carl and Striper depend on the scenary, or I let them protecting rival objetives, or going through sewers to mine.
As you see I play game enough with the great mobility of the band, and trying to reduce the rival.

Q: Against which bands did you play in the tournament? Can you give us a brief summary of how the games were? 
A: The bands against I played were Batman, League of Shadows and Wonderland Gang. In the first game we were wrong with the deployment and we had to redo it, so we had less time and only played 3 rounds (who knows what would have happened if we had finished ...). What I did was keep Batman and Robin at bay with my whistles, and I was able to get their loot. In another part of the board I was able to secure the ammo crate with QTR 3. Canary went to a group of henchmen and made them not want to face her cry, and in the end got my loot. Hawkgirl was fighting with Delta not to get his ammo crate, and in the end managed to leave KO. Arrow did not have his best game and had to flee from Robin, who almost killed him.
In the second game, leave the cops defending the rival objectives. I had good rolls with Arrow and QTR 3, which led to the death of Ras in the second round. QTR 3 did not do much more, since a ninja with climbing shoes split in half soon after. QTR 1 with the Reinforcements strategy, went on turn 2 to go and control my titan container. Hawkgirl had a word with seeker, but as this was very elusive she decided to pass from him and go for my ammo crate, and to kill an Agent coming out of the sewers to dispute my objetives. The rest of my band was enduring the attacks of the rest of ninjas while arrow spent their last arrows.

The third game was very exciting until the end, since at the beginning I managed to make a good number of points, but as it went forward the game, my rival was trimming me. With QTR 1 again with the Reinforcements strategy reached my objetives on turn 2, and stayed to wait for the enemies. Little Spark was entertained with Delta, but in the end he left KO, of that did not leave until the last turn, but could do nothing more. Arrow and QTR 3 from the heights were shooting with disparate luck, QTR 3 managed to kill the tube prisoner, and Arrow on the last turn made the replica with Little Spark. Hawkgirl was in the middle of the  rival band to bother more than anything else. Canary had in her property my loot several rounds, but in the end, they took it away and she had to flee before the avalanche that came to her.

Q: What do you think has made the bands of GA become more competitive (without pretending to take off your merit)?
A: Let them play good players xD. No, seriously, the arrival of QTRs has given it more firepower, and some body to body, than he lacked enough. Also new Free Agents like Hawks, or speedster, have helped.

Q: What do you think are the strengths of this band today?
A: Its mobility. Thanks to equipment as Grapple Gun, and strategies, like the own one of the band, and Itself of Leaders, Sidekicks and Free Agents; It allows you to have a great control of the game table.
To this, must be added its firepower, which makes the rival think before advancing wildly.

Q: And the weaknesses?
A: In general they are fairly weak in melee, so you have to keep distances.

Q: Do you think this success as much yours as Jesus was casual, or will we continue to see more top 3 of this band in tournaments?
A: Of casual nothing, that we are very great players xD; And I hope it continues to be seen in the highest of the charts; but the main problem is that you dont see a lot of people playing with it. Anyway with the reinforcements it has been receiving, and the results it is getting in tournaments, I hope people will encourage it to choose it more often.

Q: And to end this interview, what characters would you like to see in the future accompanying Oliver Queen?
A: Well, I'd really like to see Black Canary or Detective Lance from the TV serie.

Well thank you very much for answering the questions, and we hope to continue to see you at the top,

greetings ;)

*We also leave you the list that our friend Jesus used on the Albatoy

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