
viernes, 2 de diciembre de 2016



25/03/2017:  IMPORTANT
Due to new policies in Dropbox the actual link is not valid anymore, so you can't download the  repository for the first time.
We are working to upload all the data to Battlescribe Data Files as we did on Super Hero Miniature Game Battlescribe, as soon as possible we are going to repair this issue and, also, we are going to upload all the remain crews with the last characters and changes in FAQ documents!
Sorry about any inconvenience this may cause.

After much effort and dedication, we have created an army list of Batman Miniature Game for the free army builder BattleScribe. The great advantage of this application is that it is free, can be updated easily, and can be used offline!

The repository link is as follows (NOT WORKING ANYMORE):

Repositoriy BattleScribe Batman Miniature Game

Clear link:

We will update the program as new models and crews appear.

You can download the BattleScribe application in the following links:

Android     Apple     PC and other

It is recommendable in each update to erase all data as explained below. The created lists are not deleted unless they were made with a list that no longer exists.



Bands created (with all band options, including Sidekick, Free Agents, equipment, strategies ...):
Bane: Version 1 
Court of Owls: Version 1 
Joker: Version 1 
Mr. Freeze: Version 1  
Poison Ivy: Version 1
Suicide Squad: Version 1
The Riddler: Version 1
Two-Face: Version 1
Watchmen: Version 1
Wonderland Gang: Version 1

The other bands will be created progressively.

Due to limitations with Battlescribe, for now it is not possible to control the Dollars limit by Reputation points nor the number of Free Agents, so you must follow the limits explained in the Rulebook:

"For every 150 points or fraction you receive $500 of budget ", so:
150 Rep. = $500
300 Rep. = $1000
350 Rep. = $1500
500 Rep. = $2000

For every 150 points you can choose 1 Free Agent, but if you have a character with the Trait Charismatic  you can choose 1 Free Agent per 100 points.
150 Rep = Maximum 1 Free Agent
300 Rep = Maximum 2 Free Agent (with Charismatic, 3)
350 Rep = Maximum 2 Free Agent (with Charismatic, 3)
450 Rep = Maximum 3 Free Agent (with Charismatic, 4)

The software is programmed so that the characters are hidden or appear according to the conditions proposed by the game. For example, if you choose Lobo, because of his rule The Main Man all female characters will disappear; in turn, if you choose a female character, Wolf will disappear as an option.

- You must choose the type of model you want in your band (Boss, Sidekick, Henchmen, Free Agent), being mandatory the election of of 1.Boss. Optionally you can also choose strategies (usually a maximum of 3).
For Teams you can choose between 1.Boss, 2.Sidekicks and 3.Free Agents (depending on the rank of the original character).
For Boss, in Teams it is important to follow the rule explained in the rulebooks of The Flash & The Arrow and Suicide Squad:
"You must choose as Boss the character marked Always, and if you have a valid character with Rank Leader or Sidekick, you must choose it instead of Free Agent."

- Traits that modify Reputation Points, Dollars, or Strategy (such as Strategist/Great Strategist, Dirty Money ...) are resolved in the application by decreasing the specific amount in the army list when the model is specifically selected (e.g. Black Manta with his Strategist reduces the total points of Strategy in 1).

- Used keywords:
I: Injury Damage
S: Stun Damage 


Although the management of the program is simple, we give you a step by step guide to configure and manage it on Android, which does not differ much how it should be configured on other platforms:


After installing the app open it and click on the following button:

Copy the link from repository of Batman Miniature Game, paste it in the following field and press the + button:

Click on the red highlighted icon to update the repository:

If everything worked correctly this message will appear:


In the main window, press the + button:

Choose the game system and the band:



Choose the type of Rank and Strategies (we recommend to choose all).

The way to choose several is to choose a Rank and click on the + button in the next window, repeating this action until you have chosen all the desired Ranks:

Once you have chosen the Ranks, tap Details and choose the name for the list, and the Reputation Points, Dollars and Strategies limit. Usually used in the game:
Reputation: 350
Dollars: $1500
Strategies: 3

Once written the necessary press in the ✔ of top right to choose to the characters of the band:


Press the + button of each category to choose characters. Remember that for a band list to be valid for Battlescribe you must have chosen a Boss:


When choosing with the + button a character, the others that can not be chosen will be hidden. For example, when choosing Harley Quinn (Arkham Knight), all other characters that could be Boss will disappear:

Even if we enter the other possible category of Boss (Sidekick Boss) we will see that there are none to choose:


Also, when choosing a character that has several versions, the others will disappear. For example, when choosing Captain Boomerang (Comic), the character Captain Boomerang (Movie) disappears:

Some characters can choose options such as equipment, skills, etc. To do this, once you have acquired a character, click on it to see the list of available options (if it had). Here are the equipment options of a Henchman of Joker with Harley Quinn chosen in the band (so it appears the exclusive equipment Sexy Costume):

The way that Battescribe show errors in the creation in the roster is with the red eye appearing at the top:

Here you can find examples of errors in a roster:
1. You have chosen more than one Arkham Asylum Inmate E0476,which only can be chosen once.
2. The dollar limit has been exceeded by $ 1200 (that is, $ 2700 has been chosen)

3. More than one Captain Boomerang has been chosen
4. You have chosen 4 Clown Knife (the maximum is 3).
5. The Reputation limit has been exceeded by 193 (that is, 543 points have been chosen)

Once chosen, you can see the data of the characters, rules and strategies by tapping on the eye button. You can also see the configuration of a specific character by pressing a time on the desired character.

If you have problems updating the repository in Android, you must delete all the data following the next steps:

STEP 1:Push the next button:

Open the contextual menu of your phone and choose the option Delete all data, confirming the action

Enjoy it! Any question, comment or error/improve notification will be really useful to us.

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